Opera in 2 acts

Zhiyenbayev's libretto according to the drama of the same name of M. Auezov



Enlik - the girl from a sort of Naiman

Kebek– the batyr from a sort of tobykty

Abyz – the wise man from a sort of tobykty

Zhapal – the shepherd, the friend Enlik

Yesen– batyr from a sort of Naiman

Zhauetay– the batyr from a sort of tobykty, the friend Kebeka

Kengirbay-the main bi from a sort of tobykty

Kobey– bi from a sort of tobykty

Espembet-bi from a sort of Naiman

Karamende – the elder of a sort of tobykty



As black packs of ravens blew over Chingiz mountains, disturbing, ominous messages - died Enlik and Kebek. Hostility of two childbirth – "naiman" and "tobykty", perfidious treachery and cruelty of elders didn't spare youth, punished the death of those who for the sake of love and happiness dared to break relentless laws of ancestors.

Whether long ago pleased all with the songs, the mind and beauty beautiful Enlik? Whether long ago the rumor about glory and legendary feats of the mighty batyr Kebek was handed down? More than once he lifted the sword in protection of the people, saved the native earth from enemy invasions more than once.

Crying bitterly sage, Abyz. He failed to save Enlik and Kebek failed to soften the cruel heart of bi. Powerless his songs, in vain his calls for peace, kindness and justice.